Paperback writer
Yeesh…that cold was tough. It seems like the older I get, the fewer times I get sick, but the harder I get hit by those colds. I stayed home from work on Friday as well, making me double-paranoid going into work tomorrow. But can’t stay home forever, and I really don’t want to. There’s a lot to tackle, and now that my head is pain-free and my fever is gone, I know how to tackle them.
Even more of a down side (would that be a further down side?) is that I missed three nights of serious writing…Wednesday (was feeling crappy), Thursday and Friday. I’m fighting back, though. I managed to do over 6500 words so far this weekend. How? By participating in 30 minute word wars — you Liberal Weiners can call them Word Sprints 😉 — on the NaNo forums. Basically, a bunch of us write like crazed authors for 30 minutes and then post the word counts. I never win Word Wars. Ever. But that fierce competitive spirit urges us all on. Currently I’m at 28,611 words. I’ll pass 30K before bedtime.
And Mom? She made her 50,000 word goal today and later this week will be an official NaNo winnner! Let’s hear it for MomGypsy!
In other news, lest you think we forgot, we’ve been working on the Guest room in preparation for the arrival of Thor’s parents. (That would be Odin and Frigga, since I like the concept of overkill.) They’re coming for Christmas. Giving us…(counts)…not very many weekends left. Today we started the crown molding.
Lessons learned from crown molding so far:
1) Latex adhesive caulk is very, very adhesive. I had a paper towel stuck to my hand for the better part of a half-hour.
2) (via Thor) Predrilling nail holes in the molding prevents cracking. Say no to crack!
3) When you need to put two pieces of molding on a wall, install the coped corner piece first. Not doing so will leave you very little room for error. And we make errors.
Pictures of the continuing remodel forthcoming. Tonight, I need to work out some CookieCam angles.