ummm….yeah. OK. continuing on…
Mom, it’s my birthday!
Mood: Content
Birthday plans: Thor wants to go to Cherry Hill mall to search for duds for the cruise. We’re going out to dinner with Mom & John to Tangerine in Philadelphia. (warning, site maximizes window and STILL makes you launch a separate window for silly Flash interface)
Birthday cards received: Three, all from family. One from Mom, one from John (both hand-delivered) and one from Mama and Papa Turberville. Total card count: 7.
Also sharing my birthday: Jerri from Survivor, Cathy Guisewhite, Bob Newhart, Rose McGowan, Dweezil Zappa, and web personality extrordinaire Anil Dash. (Seriously, Anil seems to be the most level headed and humble of the blogging A-list.)
It’s early…I’m snuggled betwixt the covers with my laptop, surfing the web and generally being lazy. What better way to start a day like today?
This headline, in particular, screams at me: Johnny Depp Says He Actually Enjoys Aging. Funny enough, the article doesn’t mention how old Mr. Depp is (he’s 41), but it does have a pretty cool quote from the Deppster himself, “I’ve known plenty of people in their later years who were like little kids, had the energy of little children, the curiosity and fascination. I think we can keep that. It’s important we keep that.”
Friday I had my hair cut. Got bangs this time…an unkempt fringe of hair across my forehead that insists on moving every which way. Had a few chestnut colored highlights thrown into the usual mix.
Thor: You look like Meredith Baxter-Birney.
Me: The MOM from Family Ties??
Thor: She was hot!
Not Meredith Baxter-Birney: She was the MOM!! (a quick glance at IMDB shows that Meredith Baxter was 35 when Family Ties started. Three years older than I am now.)
Now I have that damned Familiy Ties theme song in my head. “What would we do baby, without us?”
(with my glasses on, I think I more resemble Bonnie Hunt from Life with Bonnie)
Yesterday Thor and I went to Great Adventure to use the makeup tickets from the rained out company picnic. We did all of the coasters except Superman, since we did that one last time. Our favorite was Medusa, which was a steel floorless looping coaster. The scariest one, BY FAR, was Nitro, which was a steel coaster with a lot of steep, sharp hills, but no loops. Very similar to Apollo’s Chariot in Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. Thor won me a stuffed dog on Whack-A-Mole, and I had my first ever corn dog.
One thing we realized yesterday: coasters get a lot scarier as you get older, because it seems that your innards shift around a lot more than they used to. When I was 17, the Great American Scream Machine was exhilarating. Fourteen years later, it was a struggle trying to keep my stomach from moving up into my lungs. 😉
Even though young Max is asnooze next to my feet, I think I’ll rouse him and go for a walk. Seize the day and stuff like that.
Off tomorrow for Labor Day. Yay!
Finally, a lovely early birthday gift was the warm and supportive comments I received below. You all rock.
Sha la la-laaaaa…
EDITED AT 8:58am to add…