Early blog, right? That’s because I’m still at home.
Here’s what transpired:
And, as predicted yesterday, the top story on CourierPostOnline.com is the flooding. 😉
Mood: Well-slept and still early for work. I may even see David this morning!
Work docket: Hmmmmmm…not at work yet, but I’ll venture I’ll be doing Hot Properties, some promo work for Varsity All-stars and Women on the Run
Lunch: Probably lunch with Erin, who got a job!!! She starts Monday and will be working less than a mile from me, so we’ll be able to meet for lunch often!
Evening: I forgot to buy oatmeal yesterday at Genuardi’s. I also need oven cleaner. And maybe we’ll have a late-night CookieCam session to make up for the big crash and burn (literally) that was yesterday.
Weekend: I was a bad girl and bought a new online game — Horizons. My Asheron’s Call Guild seems to be jumping to this one, so I’ll bite. I’ll play that this weekend, plus bake, decorate for Christmas, and if I’m not dead, watch a Wrestling PPV at Mom’s Sunday night.
And now…the Friday Five!
1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?
I hate cold weather. It snowed last week, but the temperatures were fairly warm (for snow) so that was pretty nice. But I don’t like bitter biting cold winds. Not even for Christmas.
2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?
My ideal CHRISTMAS celebration (I celebrate Christmas so for me it’s “Christmas Celebration” — No PC police on this blog, thanks) is time with family, glowing lights, and lots of food. And perfect presents to give. I find so much satisfaction in hunting down the “RIGHT” gift for people. 🙂
3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?
I’m mostly Italian, so on Christmas Eve we eat the Seven Fishes, a big buffet-style dinner. It’s supposed to be meat-free, but since none of us married cousins married Italian guys, there’s always meat. We do a gift exchange among the adults, which is nice too.
Can we count CookieCam as a holiday tradition? I bake Christmas Cookies in front of 2 webcams, which refresh every 30 seconds. See CookieCam for more info!
4. Do you do anything to help the needy?
Salvation Army donations, Toys for Tots, Animal Orphanage donation.
5. What one gift would you like for yourself?
More self-confidence. What? The question didn’t say it had to be a gift that had to be purchased!.