My first time embedding a TikTok – the actual video is here.
I could have fixed Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser
Hi. I’m Kim. I’m an adult who likes Disney, but not a Disney Adult, which is why we never even entertained the thought of spending $5,000 on two meager nights in Disney’s Star Wars themed hotel with 100 windowless rooms….
Friday 5: After ‘Im
Happy Friday! This time last week I was at Walt Disney World. Look at this magic! The fireworks started just as we came to the front of the line to have our picture taken. Gorgeous. SIGH. We left last Thursday…
Refreshing It's a Small World
Rabbit Rabbit! It’s a Small World is one of my favorite Walt Disney World attractions. I like the glitter-encrusted sets, the cute dolls, the catchy song and the last room, where all of the kids play together in a peaceful…
Walt Disney World: November 2014
After our Walt Disney World trip in spring, we were pretty bummed. You know what it’s like — you look forward to something for so long and then BOOM – all over. As a result, we decided to embrace our…
One more thing about the MagicBands
I forgot to put this in the WDW review post, and that one’s already long. Here is what the MagicBand looked like on my wrist from the top: Kind of okay, right? But here is what it looked like from…
The Frazzleds at Walt Disney World
Years ago while I was still at the C-P, I sketched a self-portrait at work. As you can see, my artistic skills are second to none. I named her Frazzled Kim and stuck her on my computer monitor. A few…
The Number of the Mouse
We have a trip to Walt Disney World coming up, and I gotta tell ya, Disney’s spending mucho bucks in order to track how many churros I consume in a five-day period. Our room keys, park passes and FastPass+es are/will…
Throwback Thursday: The first Walt Disney World souvenir
In the spirit of Throwback Thursday, I’ve been digging through my memory box – a literal box – of things I’ve accumulated on my journey from miss to ma’am. I have a lot of Disney merchandise hanging around. From the…
My Mickey Mouse notebook
Hm…what could be in this Mickey Mouse notebook?
I miss Disney.
Multimedia message How long before they put me away at work?
WDW: Junk food
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Chocolate filled fudge covered oreo. Good for Bittersweet moments. Am joining weight watchers when i get back.