Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 4
Friday 5: Random topic generator
Happy Friday, which is National Popcorn Day. (That link is interesting – I’d have loved to see a horse drawn popcorn wagon!) But most importantly, it’s a bona fide snow day in South Jersey. WM was home from school and…
Friday 5: Brr!
Happy Friday from my day off, which is being spent in the same place as where I am when I work. I took today off because I’m supposed to be receiving my first COVID-19 vaccine. ALAS… We have had winter…
Snowy Days
One of the good things about working remotely is that we don’t have to worry about commuting to and from work through snowy weather. Not leaving when it’s dark and returning when it’s dark means we can enjoy the views….
Friday 5: Aroma
It was a bumpy readjustment coming back from Florida. On Monday, Dad and I ventured to Camp Holly for an airboat ride, which was JUST as amazing as it sounds! Camp Holly is pretty nice, with beer that flows, an…
Wordless Wednesday: Almost an Angel
There's something wrong with my weather app
Let’s see… Today: raining. Blah, but expected. Tomorrow: Partly sunny. Okay. Sunday: Sunny. Great! Monday: Cloudy. Eh. Tuesday: Rain. Good. If not the 823 mushrooms that have sprouted around our apartment will surely die. Saturday. Saturday…what’s that? No. Can’t be…..
From the PhoneCam! Originally uploaded by ladygypsy. We received 12 inches of snow this weekend.
Holy crap!
In my small slice of the world, we’ve become accustomed to ignoring weather forecasts. Especially the ones that trumpet “Snow! Snow! Snow! We’re all going to die under the weight of it! Head for the hills!” Hence, I went into…
December 5, 2003
RealizationsI’ve been having a devil of a time getting out of bed in the mornings lately. Today, I began to realize why. Reason 1: Have you ever heard of the summer-camp phenonmenon of putting a sleeping camper’s hand into a…