My dogs and this pillow
I bought the pillow to help decorate my spartan little apartment the year of my divorce. At the time you never could have convinced me all of the love that would eventually surround it. 2007 2016 2018
Friday 5: Dogs
Thursday’s post about World of Warcraft was auto-scheduled, and I’m glad because after YET ANOTHER school shooting on Wednesday, I wouldn’t have known what to write. Well, I know what has to be written, but that one’s going to take…
Circle of Life
Here I am on “puppy leave” which is actually a bunch of my vacation days that I’ve been accruing year to year. Murphy isn’t ready for workday crating (aka bathroom confinement) just yet. He’s working through some GI issues. Hopefully…
I’ve already shared this news on Facebook and Twitter, but couldn’t bring myself to blog it until now. Our little Max died Thursday morning, July 14, 2016 at the age of 14-15ish. I was his for one month short of…
Evolution of feeding dogs.
2006: Yeah, I just dump out a bunch of cat food in this dish, and Max eats alongside them. It works out well for everyone. (time passes, acquires a puppy) You dogs will eat the dry food we buy you….
Friday 5: All I need is a miracle
Happy Friday, AND the last Friday before Christmas! Where has the time gone? I’m pretty set with the holiday — I just have to buy 1 small thing for Mom and a pollyanna gift for Christmas Eve. I have cookie…
Max is doing surprisingly well. I say this because just a week ago, we were having the “Quality of Life” discussion, as barely moved for three days and we were carrying him outside to do his business. This post was…
Max's eyes
We are two months past Max’s diabetes diagnosis and things are going as well as can be expected. His pee strips were still showing higher levels of sugar, so we’ve slowly moved his insulin dosage up to 9 units twice…
Friday 5: Wrap It or Cap It
Happy Friday! Tonight I’m off to see Gone Girl with some lovely ladies. Tomorrow Max has a(nother) vet appointment at noon. He’s on new food now. Fingers and paws crossed for nice drop in blood glucose. Otherwise I don’t know…
All Fall Down review and a Max update
All Fall Down by Jennifer Weiner My rating: 2 of 5 stars This review contains SPOILERS! Allison Weiss begins abusing pain pills because she has to take care of her kid, deal with her father who has Alzheimer’s (but not…
CNN: The Canine News Network
Someone’s feeling better! Even though his blood sugar rate was still in the 500s on Saturday and his insulin dosage has been upped to 5 units twice a day, Max perseveres. Yes, I downloaded iMovie onto my phone. No, this…