DIYing (not dying)
Rabbit Rabbit! Happy June, my favorite month of the entire year. I love the long sunny days and the warm weather. I love the end of the school year and taking the laptop outside in the mornings to work. A…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk3
Friday 5: Texture (and a remembrance of my red sofa)
Friends, the time has finally come for us to let go of the red sofa that was a fixture of my very first single-lady apartment. (that blog post is pure gold, by the way) Purchased in 2006, the red sofa…
Fractured Fairy Tales
Woof. Finally the nonbloggable becomes bloggable – Mom (aka A-Woww) tripped and fell 2 weeks ago, fracturing her kneecap and shattering her elbow. The knee will heal on its own in an immobilizer which thankfully allows her to walk. The…
February update
Hello, lovelies! I was going to quietly sunset this blog after the last post but UGH I miss it too much. So you’re stuck with sporadic updates until I die or retire and can’t afford hosting, I guess. Today is…
We bought a house!
Reason # 1298437 why my blog will never make money — when Big Life Events happen, I stop writing. I can’t help it. I’m always afraid I’m going to jinx things. Short story: We finally found a house, bought it,…
“Do you realize that if I didn’t eat them, bugs would get so numerous, they’d destroy the Earth? Spiders are really VERY useful creatures. ” – Charlotte
Things I have discovered in my first month of homeownership
We use THAT much water? Pergo + feet in socks = fun! Too much exposure to yellow and blue plaid wallpaper causes homicidal tendencies Recycling, though beneficial, is a huge pain in the ass. Pergo + hyperactive small dog =…
Lovely weekend
Aye, t’was a lovely weekend indeed. The weather was in the high 80’s, which used to be higher than average for May. But in this new era of weather, where springs and autumns only exist for a week, it seemed…