Happy Friday, which is National Coffee Day, National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, and National VFW Day. (A VFW is a great place to get a cheap beer, if you know someone who can get you in.) I don’t make…
Friday 5: Don’t tip the boat over
Happy Friday, friends! It’s also National Ice Cream Cone Day, Car Free Day (I take public transit at every opportunity, but I also think the car free movement can be unrealistic) and American Business Woman’s Day. I’m observing that day…
Friday 5: Happy hour
Oh my geez, it’s cliched but TGIF. I mentally limped toward the finish line this week. If you don’t mind, I’m skipping right to the Friday 5 this week. The theme is Happy hour and I’m here for that! I’m…
Friday 5: Kickoff
A chaotic Friday morning + an in-person board meeting this afternoon + a small birthday celebration this evening = a very late and short Friday 5 post. This week’s theme is: Kickoff. Let’s go!
Friday 5: More questions about our favorite topic
Rabbit rabbit! Happy September, which, blah. Even though it continues to be actual, official summer through September 22, I am trying to switch myself into an autumnal mindset. Today is also National Forgiveness Day (I forgive, I do not forget),…
Friday 5: Until it hurts
Happy Friday, and my last official Summer Friday of the season. Booooo! I’m not down the shore because it’s been raining off and on all day both here and there. Instead, WM and I had breakfast at a lovely twee…
Friday 5: Career Day
Happy Friday, friends! Today is National Mail Order Catalog Day (I miss those) and National Fajita Day (I prefer tacos now.) I’ve had a mentally jangly few weeks for no explanation and I finally feel it ebbing. What’s been helping…
Friday 5: For argument’s sake
Happy Friday! Today was my summer Friday and I took Mom to the beach for the day. It was a good day; however, I think I have to find a new beach. I’ve been going to Margate for years and…
Friday 5 for July 28: (abbr.)
Happy .. um, Saturday! It’s also National Lipstick Day, International Tiger Day, and National Chicken Wing Day. My workweek was so busy that I switched my Summer Friday with a coworker so I *could* work yesterday. That gave me the…
Friday 5, Saturday edition: Scattergories Part 13
Hello! I’m back from Virginia Beach, where Mom and I had a great time despite a ton of heat and humidity. Even though I slathered myself in sunscreen and stayed under an umbrella most of the time, I still ended…
Friday 5: Late night dorm talk
Friends, I am TIRED. I am feeling all of my 50 years today plus maybe 10 more. I have been emotionally cranked up about various things over the last month-plus (WM’s surgery, my colonoscopy, two car tows, upcoming Virginia beach…
Friday 5: Midyear examination
Happy Friday, which is also National Dive Bar Day, National Macaroni Day, and WM’s knee surgery day! That went very well and he’s currently snoozing on the sofa. It won’t cure all of his knee-related ills but it will hopefully…