My favorite WDW souvenir
Five years ago I knew the world was going to change real soon, but I was in the unenviable spot of not a lot of people believing me. And for a long stretch of 2020 and a shorter stretch of…
Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 50
(week 50?!)
Friday 5 on Saturday: Wrong answers only
I was off yesterday and somehow forgot it was Friday. Happy SATURDAY, which in this house is also National Try Chocolate Peanut Butter On Your Pancakes Day (very tasty, should not be a habit), National Finally It Stopped Raining Day…
Wordless Wednesday 2023: Wk 44
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 43
Good and Meh 2023 Week 42
Good Things: Good food, good adventures, good weather, and even with the attitudes present by many of the guests (I call it “Toxic YOLO”) I had the same magical time I always have. <3 Meh Things: On my last day…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 39
Good and Meh: Week 34
Hey, not every blog post is a substack-quality work of art, okay? Good things: Monday: I went to the Phillies game with Mom & John and they won 10-4. Not only did they win, but we saw Bryce Harper hit…
The Up model house
Even if you’re a gigantic loser like me who bailed out of the movie Up after the first harrowing 10 minutes, you’re probably familiar with the image of Carl and Ellie’s house being lifted from the ground by a bunch…
I could have fixed Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser
Hi. I’m Kim. I’m an adult who likes Disney, but not a Disney Adult, which is why we never even entertained the thought of spending $5,000 on two meager nights in Disney’s Star Wars themed hotel with 100 windowless rooms….
Friday 5: 子供の日 (Children’s Day)
Happy Friday, which also happens to be National Hoagie Day, National Astronaut AND National Space Day (jumping on the Star Wars May 4th frenzy, I see) and of course, Cinco De Mayo. This week Mom, J&K, and Nephews A&B went…