I listen to Pentatonix all year, but I’m always a fan of their holiday music. Wait don’t go! This is snowy and wintery but it’s not Christmassy! Watch it! Love it! Seriously though, when Scott comes in with the Italian…
Friday 5: November Rain
Happy Friday! My mother-in-law is finally here! She arrived Wednesday night (WM flew out Wednesday morning and came back with her Wednesday night) and we’re all kind of figuring out the new normal. So many new normals. Murphy is having…
October 2021 Extras
Boo, hiss, here comes November. Second-worst month of the year. Dead, wet leaves. Cold, damp air. People throwing hissy fits if you Holiday it up too early. Here are some thoughts and photos from October that were a little thin…
Friday 5: Yuputka!
Happy Friday! Lots of sighs of relief this week as some medical tests came back good for me and for others and we can slightly unclench and return to just a normal pandemic-level clenching. I’ve been clenched since September 2019….
Find yourself friends who will
Ship you macarons from Lady Yum in Seattle! They are very decadent study treats. Fingers crossed we’ll be able to get back to Seattle next summer. Everyone I know has gone on a vacation and been fine. Also, I would…
Friday 5: Pew Slag
Happy, er, Saturday. I was very sleepy last night, even missed movie night which was Encino Man – a movie that I put on the list! In Bummer, dude. This week’s Friday 5 is PEW SLAG. What recently made you…