Happy Friday, which is also National Nutty Fudge Day and National Odometer Day! (WM: I thought National Odometer Day was rolled back. badum-tsh!) It’s the end of a long week at work, with a few meetings that could have gone…
Mothers Appreciation Phillies Game 2023
A while back I realized that, more than anything, my Mom enjoys spending quality time with us*. So rather than looping through the usual Mothers Day gift guides and/or paying a lot to go out to dinner with large crowds,…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 wk 19
The cutest little scoop
A while ago I bought store-brand OxiClean and it didn’t come with a scoop in it. After a few loads of tossing oxygen bleach into my washer like salt bae, I went online and bought a scoop. It’s the OXO…
Friday 5: 子供の日 (Children’s Day)
Happy Friday, which also happens to be National Hoagie Day, National Astronaut AND National Space Day (jumping on the Star Wars May 4th frenzy, I see) and of course, Cinco De Mayo. This week Mom, J&K, and Nephews A&B went…
Home improvement superhero – sorta
Our back screen door needed some help. The screen on the upper half had holes all through it. And no, not just the natural holes in the screen, extra holes. Larger holes. And three years ago, Murphy tore through the…