Good and Meh 2023 wk 41
Good Things: Monday: Had my flu shot at CVS and my yearly skin check at the dermatologist. There are no spots of concern AND I must have looked fresh because he didn’t mention Botox this time!Thursday: The Phillies win the…
friday 5: capitalizing on opportunity
Hello and happy Friday! It is also National No Bra Day (I celebrate that most days) and National Yorkshire Pudding Day. It’s also the day that Murphy somehow broke/loosened his front tooth. I think he chased a critter across the…
Morning Yoga
It’s no secret that I slipped way back into a sedentary lifestyle over the last year. Now I’m at an age where I start paying the price for inertia with aches and pains and tightness. In early September I started…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk 41
Good and Meh 2023 wk 40
Good Things: Wednesday: The other Houses of Dowd are slowly on the mend!Friday: WM grilled some excellent burgers for dinnerThe Phillies won their Wild Card series AND the Devils are dominating their preseason. Meh Things: Monday: Started The Southern Book…