It’s Monday and I am writing this while watching the NJ Devils play an afternoon game at Boston. Devils are losing but they have so many injured players right now that it’s a miracle they’re staying competitive. I’m supposed to be rearranging the craft room but I don’t think that’s happening. It’s a very comfy sofa.
Good Things: Sticking with yoga, mailed out my January cards, had a great hair appointment, gave blood, and easily swapped in my new cable modem.
Meh Things: Molly is back at the shop because of tire sensor issues. The low tire pressure chime rings every 15 seconds, which is not the usual “your tire pressure is low” behavior. And the tires were fine. I burned my hand by grabbing the curling iron on the wrong end. I had a blister the size of a jellybean on my index finger.
Verdict: It was a good week!
Goodest Thing: It’s the Goodest Boy’s seventh birthday!

Murphy is so very loved, and despite his bouts with giardia, IMHA, heart murmurs, torn ACL, and broken teeth, he’s been the brightest spot during the darkest days.
Happy MLK day!

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