Wt: 138.2. I have ascertained the reason for the upswing in weight, and have happily concluded that by next week all should be well. That’s all I have to say about that. Mood: Soggy πWork docket: Scrapbook. I THINK I’m…
Free Martha!
When heroes fall:Martha Stewart Resigns as Chairman, CEO Martha Stewart IndictmentMartha Stewart Living Omnimedia Puts Into Effect Senior Management and Governance Changes Stewart Quits Top Posts After Indictment You know, people have done such far worse things than this. I…
My kitchen has become malignant.
It rains. Again. Not just a shower, but teeming sheets of the stuff. I’ve only been to the shore once so far this year, and that was back in March on a freakishly hot day. I’m usually there on a…
(ignoring dishes piling up in kitchen)
Eeek! Where has the day gone? I was a smidge busy this morning, so I didn’t have time to blog. Wt: 137.2. I was elated for a brief moment, when the scale stopped at 135.4 for a few heartbeats, then…
Buy as MUCH Gannett stock as you can stand
Ah…relaxation. David (!!) and I hit the gym at 3:20ish this afternoon. I did 25 brisk minutes on the elliptical and then did my 10 assisted chinups. Then I was pooped and ready to go home. Sat on our balcony…
I sucked down the Basil Chicken in record time
I sucked down the Basil Chicken in record time. I’m still hungry so I thought I’d blog until the hunger goes away. π The FCC voted to relax media ownership rules today. Basically, this means that a handful of companies…