Ah…the perils of having a latte at 7:30 pm. It was a truly productive day. I did go to the gym (26 minutes on treadmill, thigh squeezes, 60 stomach crunches, 10 assisted chinups) AND I went to the grocery store!…
I. Am. SO. Tired.
I. Am. SO. Tired. Wt: 139.2 — I marvel at how my body can get on track so much easier now than it used to. My metabolism is almost what it used to be when I was younger. Then again,…
I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Wt: 141.2. (smirk)Mood: Happy to be home, but jealous because the Blackwells are going to WDW AGAIN next week and we’re not! Waaaaaaaah!Work docket: Static, Hand section stuff, get my bearings after being away.Lunch: Will get a salad.Afternoon:…
Worked on recipes all day.
Worked on recipes all day. Some of my database was corrupted, so I had to extract those recipes that were messed up and re-upload the database. I had to take out over 100 recipes. 🙁 However, I don’t think it’ll…
So I get up today…EARLY
So I get up today…EARLY! And I triumphantly take my shower, half-dry my hair…and I’m still early. In my infinite wisdom, I decide to lay on the bed for a moment or two whilst I decide what to wear. An…
Big kids have feelings too, Mrs. Neidermayer
I’d offer a link to the Courier-Post’s coverage of the Devils’ win last night, but there’s no story. We don’t seem to think that anyone in SJ would care about a NJ team winning a championship. Instead, here’s the snarky…