Kim’s rules for early morning walkers/joggers: 1) Realize that I envy you for your committment to fitness. Getting out in the dark of morning to engage in such a demanding physical activity is a Herculean task. 2) Remember that even…
October 5, 2003 – morning
We survived the Heart Walk! I figured I may as well write this tonight, since I was going to write it tonight and post it tomorrow anyway. 🙂 Firstly an apology to those who tried to donate and realized that…
October 3, 2003 – morning
Still time left to give to the Heart Walk effort. Last day I’m linking to it. (the following was pre-written last night) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging…
October 2, 2003 – morning
Heart Walk! Heart Walk! Time’s running out to help sponsor our Heart Walk Efforts! Heart Walk! Heart Walk! Damon: (yesterday) How many colors are in your hair?Kim: (to Damon) More than there are stars in the sky, I suppose.Kim: (to…
October 1, 2003 – afternoon
Hey! My dogs’ names are trendy! Is that a good thing? Max, Lucky Are Top Dog Names in NYC
October 1, 2003
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you’re young at Heart… Happy October! The site is pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Which has nothing to do with the Heart Walk fundraising that we’re…