If you read blogs daily, as I do, and you see a missing day, do you wonder what happened to the blogger? I certainly do. Maybe they’re dead. Or lost their Internet connection. Or maybe there was a technical issue…
Beastly-long day
Today’s going to be another beastly-long day a la last Tuesday. We’re having a call-in night, where our readers and subscribers can call/email between 5pm and 8pm and speak with the upper management. Which…includes…me, believe it or not. Yes, it…
Happy Monday!
*yawn, stretch* Happy Monday! (I say that at work — I’m that chirpy coworker you hate) Because Thor sleeps during the day, we usually have a heavy comforter draped over the curtain rod atop the bedroom window. It does a…
King Arthur Movie
AIEEEeee! There’s going to be a King Arthur movie this summer! I love the Arthur stories and the mythology behind them. And it looks like Guenevere is a warrior princess in this one. And Lancelot is a dual-wield swordslinger. (drool)…
Haddonfield and furniture shopping
So yesterday, Thor and I decide to skulk through Haddonfield. I was surprised that he agreed, since guys and shopping usually don’t mix. Especially guys and shopping in consignment shops and antique-y places. We browsed a few shops and had…
March 26, 2004
As you can probably tell, I lazed about in bed too long today and didn’t have a chance to blog. After a brutally chilly week, spring has arrived! It was in the 60s today, and I ate lunch (my subway…