(now…what was that pic I was supposed to post again? I can’t seem to recall…) This TV season I only watched 3 shows: Survivor, The Amazing Race, and The Apprentice. They’re now finished, and I was pleased with the results…
My other lives – geek alert!
So in between gorging on beets (0 points, baby!) and not working out, I dabble in MMORPGs. (Massively Multi Player Online Role Playing Games, for those not in the know.) You buy the game software, and log onto a server…
Thor’s at the theater experiencing part 3 of six but really-hopefully- the last Star Wars movie. As you can tell, I’m not there. To each his own. Now before I go out and start tending to our barren garden…let’s catch…
For the first time EVER…the Survivor I wanted to win actually won. AND, he was the most deserving! Congratulations, Fireman Tom. You rocked my world and can carry me out of a burning building any day! And after 16 weeks…
After-school special
On any trip to an Atlantic City casino, you gain increased exposure to what I insensitively call the “wheelchair and oxygen” crowd. The senior citizens. The oldsters. Spending the money that’s deducted from my paycheck each week. They are slow….
Hard eight
As per Mom’s wishes, this afternoon was spent at the Borgata. Again. (The gambling gene runs straight up my Mom’s branch of the family tree…we are unrepentant.) I had a twenty dollar bill to play with. I was going to…