Photos from yesterday are
Rocky Mountain High…
From my Treo! Denver layover Have I mentioned that I’m off to California for a week? Here I am in Denver, pissing away a 3 hour layover. The hat? I like. Didn’t buy, but I like. We’re doing the San…
Who can turn the world on with a smile?
From my Treo! New beginnings I applied for my very first own place today. It’ll be a charming little apartment in a charming little town. Felines are coming along for the fun…the canine will stay at the house with BvP…
Independence day
I wore this dress on Friday – a bad day – and had people saluting me at work as I went by. I can only wear this dress once or twice a year. Happy Independence day to you, and to…
I’m gonna make it after all
Coworker S: “You’re going to be like Mary Tyler Moore…and I can be Rhoda!” (I love my friends) I’m currently looking for a small 1BR apartment for me and the cats, and considering putting a “Kim needs new crap” wishlist…
“Kill me now.”
I stopped at the Taco Bell in Magnolia today after running some errands crucial to the impending launch of Kim 3.0 **. Taco Bell Employee: Need more time to look at the menu? Me: Nah. I’m good. TBE: Kill me…