A minor benefit to having a dog around is the opportunity to take walks that aren’t of the “strange-woman-by-herself” variety. There is a park across the street. It has a lake that is starting to thaw. It makes for a…
Max is spending the next few days with me as contractors redo the bedrooms in the house. I want him back with me fulltime. To that end, I may abandon my dee-luxe apartment in the sky when the lease is…
Letter to myself, six months ago
Hey. You’re in a pretty bad place right now. You’ve never lived by yourself before. You’re scared and you feel alone. (You’re not alone, by the way, plenty of people have your back…you just don’t see them.) I want you…
Nobody cares about this post
From my cell phone! Multimedia message For lunch today i had Wegmans Asian bar. Potstickers and shrimp purses. And i read this book for blog ideas. Darn. Blew it already.
Valentine's Day 2007
Daisies are my favorite flowers. Hope springs eternal. From my cell phone! Multimedia message Flowers by the Wandering Minstrel.
Office MacGyver
Since having moved from my dee-luxe-apartment-in-the-sky-office to a cube that’s only a few inches wider than my wingspan, I’ve found the need to get rid of a lot of junk. One day I found this charming artifact from pre-internet times…