But I’m in and out anyway. Why? Because a certain Minstrel has Wandered his way into town. Again. And we’re again doing some wandering together. This…this is nice. 🙂 🙂
oh please oh please
If I’m good, after I die, can I come back looking like Angelina Jolie?
Back up
I’m still waiting on a reply from my Lunarpages support request, but we seem to be okay now. I have no idea what happened, other than I was prompted to change my Lunarpages password. That, however, wouldn’t have prevented them…
Super exciting life of newly-divorced woman
I came home on Friday afternoon with the sole purpose of getting all of my laundry washed, folded, ironed and put away. I ended up with a drop-dead-clean kitchen with reorganized cabinets and refrigerator. A win’s a win. But I’ll…
Being single means that it is up to you and you alone to make sure the back of your skirt isn’t tucked into your waistband before you leave the house in the morning. This responsibilty is larger than that of…
My shame
I threw all of this out 2:00am on January 2. Sometimes it takes a good hard look in the fridge, pantry, and on the computer table and bedroom nightstand to see how much emotional eating a girl can do. I’ve…