From my cell phone! Multimedia message (note: If you’re pathetic like and are over a year behind in watching Grey’s Anatomy, this may spoil things for you.
Multimedia message I love the rear view mirror I have on my monitor! It keeps me from being ambushed by the coworkers. Unless they come up via my blind spot. Edited to add: I bought it from these guys. Speedy…
I sent Serenity back today without finishing it. Why? Because I fell asleep through it. Twice. So yeah, the Alliance is actually a bunch of bad guys, the robbers are actually good guys, and the chick with a hole in…
meep! meep!
Meep! Meepmeepmeep. Meep. Meepmeep!! Meep! Meepmeepmeep! Meep. Meep! MEEP! Meepmeep.
In the Kitchen with LadyGypsy*
Years ago, I was constantly sick. Colds, ear infections, croup, you name it, I had it. In Kindergarten, we had milk with our cookies for snacks. Milk always seemed to add to my congestion, so Mom used to send me…
podcast followup
Oooo! Thanks for the podcast links below. I’m adding them right now! I, too, miss TechTV and the ScreenSavers so I was happy to find heaps of Leo for free! Feel free to keep leaving Podcast suggestions below. Yeah, you’d…