Apparently bellyaching works! I went to the audiologist yesterday with much trepidation and after being subjected to a cryptic series of beeps, she told me I was the same as last year. SAME AS LAST YEAR!!! I haven’t been this…
Hmm? What?
Permit me a moment or three to complain over what is most likely nothing. I’m off from work today – I’ve taken the day off to see a hearing doctor. (Hence the weird timestamp on this post. I fell asleep…
Progress report
(I’m sitting on the sofa working a crossword puzzle.) Charlie: (softly) Mow. Me: Oh! Hey there, Boo! (scritches his head) Charlie: (softly) Mow. Me: What’s up? Charlie: (softly) Mow? Me: (gets up, walks to kitchen) You have water. Charlie: Mow!…
Living in the O(+>* apartments
Two days before my one-year anniversary of moving into my dee-luxe apartment in the sky, I noticed that they changed the name of our apartment complex. Without any notice. Just…boom…new signs pointing to the leasing office. I had just stopped…
Birthday dinner
No, not mine! My cousin’s! For the last 5 years, my mom, aunt, two cousins and I have gone out to dinner for each of our birthdays. This past Friday, we ate at Wolfgang Puck’s American Grille in the Borgata…
Lord of the Pickup Lines
OK, I caved. I lasted little more than a month without playing an online game. Tonight I signed up for the 30 day trial of Lord of the Rings Online. I didn’t want to do it at first because there…