Figured I’d start screenshotting this, since my continued writing of these terms are most likely skewing the search engines. May 2007 brought 30,070 page views (+80.8% to last year) /15,900 visits (+56.6% to last year) to my little web abode….
an evening with Grey's Anatomy
Isn’t it grand to get a sterling letter of recommendation from an ex-husband? Divorce can be done right. Also, commenters? I love you all. Anyway, I was sleepless last night so I watched the last episode of Season 2 of…
Bless me Internet, for I live in sin
Yeeeeeeah. So it’s been a while. And there’s a 500-lb elephant sitting in the middle of my blog that I have to acknowledge. The Wandering Minstrel (who is much cuter than a 500-lb elephant) has moved out here to NJ….
LadyGypsy versus the ants, Part 2
When we last visited this saga, Pest Control was coming. They came. They left. The ants returned. They’re coming in from the outside through my heater/air conditioner, climbing up my computer table and walking across my computer desk. They wave…
School days, school days
This week I’m taking a “Fundamentals of SQL” class at the local branch of our County College. I’m a bit nervous, because it’s out of my educational comfort zone (which solely entails listening to Coffee Break Spanish and TechTV podcasts)….