Waiting for the shuttle outside of work a few nights ago, I overheard the following conversation. Mostly overheard, as I was trying not to get slaughtered at Words With Friends. (Didn’t work. Want an easy WwF win? I’m ladygypsy, naturally….
Wordless Wednesday: There's that news van again!
(Locals will get the reference in the title. Non-locals? Here you go.)
"The Big Game" Halftime thoughts
I may have blogged about this before, but I love how the NFL completely shot itself in the foot about using the name of its championship game without paying to. What does the rest of the world do? Just refer…
Things I miss about the C-P
TNP is awesome, so far. In every way. But I do miss some things about the place I toiled at for 12 years. Like: The way the office smelled every morning: newspapers and fresh brewed coffee. How can a workday…