And cookie season is over! Phew! I made six different types of cookies this year. The first kind was 10 dozen candy cane kiss cookies (detailed here). Six dozen of those went to a cookie swap, and the remaining 4…
Penn Jillette is my intellectual crush
Watch as Penn, with a quiet and rational voice, steals the show away from the shriekers and replaces the shrieking with common sense.
Still here
I guess I have to get my car inspected after all!
Cookie Swap: Candy cane Kiss Cookies
Sunday I went to a Cookie Swap at Kristen’s mother’s house. (I just remembered I was going to do a new header for Kristen’s blog. Gah!) I used this recipe for Candy Cane Kiss Cookies from Recipe Girl, except I…
Here are drafts of posts I wrote about the Connecticut shooting, but will never see the light of day because I don’t need my knee-jerk anger preserved by Google forever: The titles say it all. But let’s just leave it…