Stampy is the little kid that belongs to one of the people who lives upstairs. Stampy visits on Wednesday nights and every other weekend. We can tell Stampy is here from hearing the constant thumping on our ceiling/their floor. Stampy…
It's okay to not retweet Takei
I cannot wait to see the True Hollywood Story about TakeiCo. Operating from a dank warehouse without climate control outside of Los Angeles, a bunch of grad school graduates spend hours crafting the perfect 127 character* witty tweet. Another team…
Resolved: Peel a banana from the bottom
I’m cheating a bit with the New Year’s resolutions, obviously. Today, in an attempt to get more vitamins in me to conquer this cold, I bought a bottle of Naked brand orange carrot juice and a banana. The juice tasted…
Things I accidentally left home on the first workday of 2013
1) Cell phone 2) gloves 3) scarf 4) hat 5) cold medicine I’m on my way to a GRRRRRRREAT start, aren’t I?
Here comes 2013!
We went to a late lunch today (It was around 4 pm, which put us in with the over-80 dinner crowd. And I am NOT kidding about that.) and we both agreed that 2012 was amazing. It’s the first year…
Friday Five: Sum
Friday Five time! 🙂 This week’s theme is sum, which is a nice way to wrap up the bloggy year. 1. Who stands out among people you met in 2012? Everyone at my new job. Which isn’t really new anymore,…