A few years ago, Martha Stewart suggested folding your sheets and storing them in one of the pillowcases. Like such: I’m TOTALLY on it.
The story of OllieBear
This is my dog, Ollie. He is the younger of my two dogs. He’s one of the best dogs you could ever ask for, but he’s not very bright. That’s okay. He’s perfect the way he is. When Ollie gets…
First mammogram at 40 – what to expect
I had my first mammogram yesterday and I wanted to jot a few things down as to what happened and what someone else should expect on their first. I do this from time to time because it’s nice to be…
Wednesday Potpourri
The unthinkable happened: the Jeep is in the shop (finally getting air conditioning, woo) and the shuttle from the Dee-luxe apartment in the sky to the train station wasn’t running. WM dropped me off at the train on his way…
Friday Five: In Retrospect
Oof, this week was a tough one. We’re starting up our Summer Fridays schedule. We bank 7 extra hours over 2 weeks, and get every other Friday ofF. Sweeeet deal, but I’ve been starting an hour earlier each day to…
New Jersey Renaissance Faire
Yesterday we went to the NJ Renaissance Faire in Bordentown. It was held at Liberty Lake Day Camp, and if they had an adult program, I’d totally go there. Despite the blistering 91 degree temperature (which I love, because I…