I literally saw it in a window display, marched in the store (Dress Barn, not Chicos. Yet.), tried it on and bought it. I like the neat pattern and the fall colors. This is definitely coming with me for “Fall…
Welcome, Coughy DeSquirts!
I received an envelope in the mail today emblazoned with “10.01.13 – AN EPIC EVENT IS COMING TO NEW JERSEY” and featuring photos of healthy multicultural (and uninsured) young people. I thought it was promoting some sort of 5K that…
Dream: Robert Wagner
Last night’s dream… Robert Wagner is doing a book signing at the small secondhand bookstore in my town. After work, I get off of the train, cross the street and go into the store. As he’s signing my book I…
Happy birthday, BvP
I haven’t talked to him in years, and that’s okay, because these things happen. I couldn’t even tell you where he’s living. But today is his birthday, and he’s been heavy on my mind the last few days. I don’t…
On a lighter note, Leslie and Joe!
I feel like I should apologize for the previous post, but this blog is mine, warts and all. (shrug) I’m in a happier mood today, so I want to share a video clip that still makes me dork-smile every time….
I don't carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!
The following is a rant. It has reprehensibly bad language. You have been warned.