Happy Friday, AND the last Friday before Christmas! Where has the time gone? I’m pretty set with the holiday — I just have to buy 1 small thing for Mom and a pollyanna gift for Christmas Eve. I have cookie…
The ghost of #tbt yet to come
My blog’s elevator pitch: Good intentions. Lots of promise. Zero follow-through. Things are chugging along. Holiday parties are being had, cards are being written, boxes are being wrapped, cookie recipes are being stared at and put away. But someday, I’ll…
Fangirl review
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell My rating: 3 of 5 stars I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy this book, because I am old, grumpy and not a Harry Potter fan. And sure enough, I really grumped my way through the first…
O Christmas tree
*clears throat* Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree! Thy leaves are so unchanging! We bought you, tree, from QVC Thy leaves are so unchanging! We chose you from our comfy chair while shopping in our underwear, Oh Christmas tree! Oh…
Max is doing surprisingly well. I say this because just a week ago, we were having the “Quality of Life” discussion, as barely moved for three days and we were carrying him outside to do his business. This post was…
Throwback Thursday: Cube decorating
I’m going to say this was December of 2010, because I wasn’t sitting in that spot in December 2009 and I didn’t have that hair color or bangs when I started at TNP in January 2012. I could have sworn…