Yes, I’ve succumbed to the woo and created a vision board for 2025. It’s also a good way to learn Canva. I chose to go with an old-school corkboard feel with photos pinned to it.

Starting from the upper left:
Photos of a new shower, an organized garage, and a bedroom with warm accents: We’ll be in our house 10 years in June! I want to replace the shower in our ensuite bathroom, change our garage from a fire hazard to an organized space*, and add some lighter accents to the decor. Many of the wood pieces we have are dark and cool and sometimes it feels overbearing
Photo of a woman on the sofa reading: I want to read more this year. Last year I just couldn’t.
Graphic of a family with a stethoscope winding around it, photo of a woman about to lift a barbel: Health and wellness for everyone in my family. Fewer aches and pains than last year, more strength and stamina
Photos of legs on a beach, an airplane in the sky, with boarding passes tucked beneath them: I want to see some new places this year. We have plans in the works and I’m excited about them.
A photo of a couple holding hands, cut out into a heart shape: The continuance of our healthy relationship
A photo of a concert stage with tickets tucked beneath it: I want to see a concert this year. I was going to see Indigo Girls last year but it conflicted with our trip to Seattle. Maybe I’ll go see DMB.
A photo of a watercolor paint palette: I really want to paint more. I don’t paint because I’m terrible. I’m terrible because I don’t paint.
A laptop with a screenshot of this site and a graph behind it that’s trending positive: Pretty self explanatory. I want to put more into this site and less onto sites owned by others. I’d like the metrics to grow.
A bar chart trending upward, next to a photo of a small blackboard that says “Great Job!” and a gold star: I want to excel in my job this year and receive positive feedback.
A computer monitor with HI on it: I need a new computer. I’m toying with the idea of building one from scratch, which was something that’s always on my bucket list.