Happy Friday, which is National Classy Day (I try), National Bootlegger’s Day (the opposite of classy) and the Friday before a three day weekend. I had my second Shingles vaccine today and I’m hoping it goes a bit easier than the first one did.
It might also be the last Friday that the TikTok app exists in the USA. The Supreme Court upheld the ban and all I can think of is: This? THIS is what our entire freaking fractured government agrees on.
Quite honestly, it’s very easy to believe that people in power are slowly trying to drive people away from platforms where it’s easy for like-minded individuals to organize.
Tinfoil hat aside, what I will miss most of all is the 20 minutes WM and I spend each night before bed sharing the funniest TikToks we saw that day.
Without further speculation, let’s hit up the Friday 5! The theme this week is This week in the news.

- Has the death of a famous person (not connected to you personally) ever made you cry?
Oh geez yes. I’m assuming this is about Bob Uecker, whom I cried over yesterday. He was one of those celebrities that was absolutely everywhere through my childhood and young adulthood. Baseball (he was a former Phillie, y’know), baseball announcing, The Tonight Show, the Miller Lite ads, Major League, Mr. Belvedere. Someone on the internet said that he manged to be very funny while never being mean. RIP, Legend. I hope you made it to the front row. - Have you ever sent money as relief aid after a disaster?
Yes, but I don’t do it as early as I used to. I wait for things to settle down a bit so I can see where the money is most needed. - How will the recent declaration affirming alcoholic beverages as cancer-causing affect your consumption?
It won’t at all because we’re all going to die and any damage is already done. But I bet it really put a damper on National Bootlegger’s Day. - What is the most bizarre (or difficult to understand) movie you’ve seen?
Don’t hate me, but Akira. Yes, it’s one of the greatest films made and it broke ground for anime and I’d probably understand more if I watched it again but nah. I’m good. - How willing and able are you to separate art from artist when a musician, actor, writer, or other creator is discovered to have behaved very badly?
Ooooo this is a tough one. I’m very inconsistent. If a song from Morgan Wallen or Kanye West shows up on Sirius XM or one of Spotify’s playlists I immediately skip it. But I’ll still listen to a handful of Michael Jackson songs (Human Nature, Remember the time, PYT) because he’s long gone. John Lennon hit his first wife, but again, he’s gone and there is nothing I as an individual person can do or not do to make that right. I have a theory that if Lennon had lived, he’d be on his 4th or 5th wife by now and be a raging conservative.
I’m also not a rereader or rewatcher, so even though I enjoyed Good Omens, I’ll never reread it.
Here’s where it gets complicated: If someone’s body of work has become so enmeshed in society that you can’t avoid it, you can only do so much. JK Rowling is a terrible person. I won’t reread the HP books I read and I won’t watch the movies. That’s an easy action for me to take. But someday I’m going to go to Universal Studios and see their Harry Potter World and ride the rides and not feel bad about it. In that case, JK’s going to get her licensing money whether or not I drink a butterbeer or ride Hagrid’s motorcycle of magical doom.
And that’s all! I’m a little sleepy so I’m going to do today’s crossword puzzle and hit the hay.
Blogkeeping notice: I re-launched the email newsletter this evening to all twenty of my subscribers. If you’re interested, you can subscribe here.