Happy Friday! Today is National Coffee Milkshake Day (I do not like coffee flavor in solid foods), National Aunt and Uncle Day (yay!) and also another Summer Friday. Mom and I went to the beach and the weather was postcard perfect. Chef’s kiss. It’s been so hot this summer that if you told me the the sun grew 4 feet in diameter I’d believe it. But today was bliss.

Anyway, it is 10:26pm and I’m exhausted so let’s kick out this Friday 5 so I don’t have to write it tomorrow and backdate it like I did the Wordless Wednesday this week. Oops!
The theme is Stand up proudly in true peace of mind. Let’s go!
- When did you last (literally or figuratively) feel the earth move?
When we had that earthquake back in April. I have felt two earthquakes and I’d be happy to not experience again. - What’s so far away?
Having a body that doesn’t hurt? PT is kicking my shoulder. - What is it too late for?
Me to be blogging lucidly? (Oh! It’s a Carole King theme!) - When did you recently long to be home again and feeling right?
Honestly, whenever I’m away from home for more than a few nights. I love to travel but I also love coming home. - Which five beautiful things did you see this week?
1) The beach today; 2) A complex series of processes and procedures that I stitched together at work actually working; 3) the slow but growing crop of tomatoes from the garden; 4) Salsa WM made from those tomatoes in our garden; 5) a groundswell of support for Kamala Harris.
That’s all, folks! Goodnight!
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