Happy Friday, which is also National Cut the Cord Day (founded by SlingTV, surprise surprise) and National Pizza Day!

I love pizza in any thickness/thinness of crust, meaty or veggie, white or tomato, in-person, delivery, or Digiorno. Pizza cut in front of me by a guy who has been baking pizza since he was 5? Yes. Dominos left by my door? Yes. Rectangles of Ellio’s pizza that could break your teeth? Still yes. Panzarotti? Absolutelli.
I went to the gym twice before work this week, for the first time in over a year. I am smug and proud of myself. I hate mornings but that time works for me. I think I’ll aim for twice a week for a few weeks, with yoga on the off days.
And I also temporarily fixed Molly’s fuel problem. She wasn’t accepting gas at gas stations, which isn’t good for people who need fuel to go places. It’s a common Jeep problem because their fuel tanks have an overflow valve which can stick into the closed position. And if you’re in any state other than New Jersey, you have to pump the gas very slowly. But if you’re in New Jersey like me, you have to beg the attendant to stand there just a minute or two longer, and leave the gas station with only 3 gallons more than you had. And then you go to a second gas station and plead with that attendant and then you end up with another few gallons, which is enough to get by for a while. Getting gas has been fraught for me for over two years now.
This issue has never been reproducible at the shop. And then I found this Youtube video.
If you don’t want to watch, the solution is to go under the Jeep and tap the fuel tank with a hammer or rubber mallet. And that’s what I did. I looked like a very unwell woman as I strode out to Molly with my rubber mallet and I’m sure the neighbors talked. (Shoutout to our mail carrier, who did not think I was crazy and peeked under the Jeep to make sure I was going to hit the proper spot.)
On Wednesday, I filled up Molly’s tank for the first time in about nine months.
Will this solution stick? Maybe? But it beats putting out $1500 for a new fuel tank.
And now (after a LOT of meandering) let’s hit the Friday 5. This week’s theme is: Insert coin. Let’s gooooooooooooooo!
- How do you feel about vending machine food?
The food vending machines I’ve been around the most are your basic chips/candy/cola ones. I don’t mind them. There was a salad vending machine at TNP’s office building which was neat, but that disappeared when everyone began to work from home. - Where on this planet is the vending machine you’ve given the most money?
There were vending machines at the Courier-Post for the 12 years I worked there, and I always bought chips or candy. However, the vending machines at Walt Disney World’s French Quarter hotel charge so much more than the C-P’s ever did. I’m going to go with Walt Disney World! - Have you ever purchased a non-food, non-beverage item from a vending machine?
Pads and tampons for sure. I’ve also purchased little works of art, a few zines back in the day, little bandaid/ointment first aid kits, lottery tickets, and cigarettes for the family. The cigarette vending machines were omnipresent, and as a kid it was fun to pull the heavy knob and watch the stacked column of cigarettes shrink as the bottom pack was released into the tray. - Where’s the nearest vending machine right now, and what would you get from it if you were to go immediately?
I believe the nearest grocery store has a soda machine and a Redbox. I’d buy a Mountain Dew. - What would you like to see in a vending machine?
Fun socks. I think there is always room in my world for more fun socks.
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