When I was a child, there wasn’t a large variety of LEGO bricks. All of our LEGO buildings had right angles. All our vehicles had right angles. But over the last 15 years, LEGO kits have become so sophisticated compared. Curves and gears and ball joints!
In enjoyed building our Cinderella Castle set in late 2021 and it seriously gives me joy every time I see it. And then my eyes fell upon the LEGO typewriter and I was smitten. I took typing in my freshman year of high school. This model reminds me a little of the typewriters I learned on. I was probably one of the last groups to learn typing on a typewriter, because in the late 80s they were just beginning to offer ‘keyboarding’ class as an alternative to ‘typing.’.
Smitten, but it retails at $249. Luckily, WM found it from a reseller for less than that cost. It arrived on Friday and I was in business.
This weekend’s weather wasn’t great: we were hit with a lot of rain and very high humidity. Perfect to stay inside and build this thing. I think it took me about 8 hours across 2 days.
(photos open in a new tab)

While it doesn’t actually type, there are a lot of mechanics built in. Striking the keys causes the little hammer to pop up and the carriage to advance to the left. You can (gently) move the carriage back to the right at when it reaches the end of the line. And the paper roller turns!
This beauty is going a nearby shelf to give my home office a bit more nerdy-cool character.
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