Happy Friday, friends, enemies, and everyone in between! I don’t actually think I have enemies. If I do, they’re very quiet and I appreciate the silent beef.
Today I had a scheduled day off of work because I had a board meeting for MASAE. I’ve belonged to that association for a while now. I spoke twice, I served on the Membership Committee and now I’m in the second year of a 2-year term on their board. I enjoy the organization and what we do. I believe we do good things for people that work in my field (Association Management) and thusly I volunteer my time for it and its mission.
After the meeting that I went to Acme (it’s a grocery store, and it’s “The Acme” or “The Ac-a-me” if you’re local) to pick up a few things for this weekend. When I went up to self checkout, I sadly discovered I didn’t switch my wallet from my doghair-covered daily bag to the fancy Kate Spade I’m-On-The-Board bag. I asked customer service to hold my basket until I came back, came home, and immediately returned to make my purchase. No matter how old you get, you’re never pulled together. Those who look like they are pulled together are either lying or have a personal assistant.

Enough rambling! Time for the Friday 5: This week’s theme is Chocolate-covered mothballs: they always satisfy! which refers to ad slogans. I tried to guess each one and put my answers at the bottom of the post below the newsletter paragraph in case you want to guess along and not be spoiled as you go. Here we go!
1. How did you have it your way this week?
I was a productivity monster Monday – Wednesday. And perhaps it makes me a cog in the capitalist machine, but I very much enjoy getting things done.
2. Where do you want to go today?
I would love to go on a beachy vacation today and every day. Okay, I’d love to go on a cruise, but we’re not doing that this year. But a few days at a non Jersey Shore beach sound decadent.
3. How have you recently taken a licking but kept on ticking?
The stomach virus. I’m glad it was a 24 hour bug. I feel so much better. I’m eating cautiously (aka normal recommended human portions) and am much more energetic. Let’s not do that again for a LONG time.
4. In what manner are you thinking different(ly) these days?
My internet circle is very, very, very Covid cautious and I appreciate that. The rest of the world? Let’s put it this way, I’ve watched a lot of hockey this year and in almost every game there are little kids just putting their mouths on the glass like it was the tender innocent days of 2019. Now, should children EVER be licking the glass at a hockey game? NO. Walt Disney World was full of kids too young to be vaccinated. Their parents decided it would be worth the risk. But maybe because NJ is a pretty low-spread state right now and because we are boosted I’ve moved my point of view away from “sheer terror” into “occasionally nervous.” I’m not at “licking glass” yet though.
5. This weekend, how will you indulge because you’re worth it?
I am going to go out to eat.
Other plans for the weekend include making cards for my card swap (I have it all thought out and half of them cut out, but I just need to finish the job) and celebrating Nephew B’s 4th birthday on Sunday.
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- Burger King
- I guessed Visa but it’s Microsoft
- Timex
- Apple
- L’Oreal
I correctly guessed 4/5. You?