Photos and thoughts from January that were a little thin for their own posts.

Time is both dragging and flying. I’m still fortunate to be working from home, officially until April but unofficially it’s still a ‘who knows?’ WM is home until May, but really…why reopen in May if school’s over in June?
In the Before Times, I used to purchase my Girl Scout cookies from the troops set up at the train station. This year not only do I not have that, I don’t have any local Girl Scouts that I personally know. This is one of the handful of ways Facebook has been helpful. I now have a few links to other peoples’ Scout suppliers. These cookies came from South Carolina! I have another Carolina scout to support, plus a link to a Seattle troop if I get desperate. My favorite cookies used to be Thin Mints, but now I’m really enjoying the lemon cookies. (Name varies per location)

I baked a King Cake from this recipe. It looked magnificent but in retrospect tasted just okay. I’ll try again next year with a different recipe, probably a local-to-New Orleans one.

That, combined with December’s Yule Log has caused me to wonder if I can bake a thematic baked good for each month of the year. Like, February can be little heart shaped molten lava chocolate cakes and March can be soda bread and perhaps hot cross buns in April?
Scaredy-Kim has graduated to sitting in the local pizza place to wait for takeout. I bought this orange bird mask because it made me smile. I received some more-boring, more-protective K95 masks yesterday.

And apparently food is a big part of my life these days.
> NYT Crossword is at 42 days
> Duolingo Spanish is at 103 days. I can now confidently order an orange juice and tell you that I like my green t-shirt.
> And my January 30 Days of Yoga series is FINISHED. Even though I feel like an over-stretched Stretch Armstrong doll, it feels good.
My challenge now is to to figure out what my fitness landscape looks like for February. I’d really love to bring my exercise time up to a half hour (some yoga videos are 20 minutes), and bring in some Total Gym, and add a no-exercise rest day. I’m still eating whatever the heck I want, OBVIOUSLY.
This week is going to be a snowy week. I’m thankful for a pantry with food, a roof over my head, and a functioning heater.

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