It was a great week! The beginning was rough because who knew if President 45 was going to be on his best behavior and leave on time and without, you know, war. But he did. The inauguration filled me with hope for SOME normalcy soon. I like that Biden is mobilizing agencies toward vaccine administration and PPE manufacturing. I like that there are normal press conferences again.
Also … I have a COVID vaccine appointment! Without jinxing anything by being too specific, I should be almost 100% protected by summer. (Other people near and dear to me also have appointments but none of those stories are mine to tell.) But yeah, dunk me in that MRNA goodness. I’m ready.
This morning I participated in my first board meeting for my professional organization and did not make a fool of myself. I received some really good financial news yesterday that will help with some goals I have set. And tomorrow is my 9 year anniversary at TNP. Time flies.
Onto the Friday 5 – this week’s theme is Every Family Has One.
- Who’s the nastiest flavor in the ice cream parlor?
Raspberry. It’s the worst berry. - Which item in the produce aisle is most likely to spoil the party?
Raspberries! I’m serious! Do you know how many amazing potential desserts have been ruined for me by drizzling hellberry syrup on it? They are awful. My taste buds have come around on yellow mustard as well as on some dill pickles but I will never enjoy raspberries. - What’s the most embarrassing song by your favorite musician or band?
From Dave Matthews Band it’s Hunger for the Great Light. I feel like they tried for the same dirtysexy vibe as Rapunzel but it’s just embarrassing. Another one is This One’s for the Children by NKOTB. It’s so cringe-inducing. “This is a very serious message. So all of you, please listen.” Such second-hand embarrassment from me, a person who will proudly love NKOTB for all of her days.
On the other hand, George Michael was perfect and had no embarrassing songs. Nope, not even that one. - Which part of your body is always in trouble?
At my age there are multiple parts acting up but I’m going to go with my digestive system. I used to have a cast iron stomach. Now I have to manage the menu a bit more. For example, because I had a creamy pasta sauce for dinner, I’ll forgo the White Russian at tonight’s Movie Night. I’ll have a beer instead. But I did have some Diet Dr. Pepper for lunch. Will that be too many bubbles? Will I have to hit the Pepto-Bismol, the Mylanta, or the Tums? See what you have to look forward to? - What’s the worst film in your favorite actor’s* filmography?
I haven’t consumed enough movies (yet) to have a real favorite actor. I’m calling an audible and going to WM for an answer. WM’s favorite actor is Harrison Ford, and he says his worst film is … 6 Days and 7 Nights.
Weekend time! Nothing on the calendar (naturally). I have a jewelry box arriving tomorrow. My jewelry is currently stored on a mishmash of tiny plates and spinning displays on top of a dresser. It looks nice, but it’s a bear to dust and keep organized. I’ve been yearning to declutter that area in a way that I never imagined back in the days when I left the house for fun. I’m reading Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand, and I have episode 5 of Bridgerton on tap for Sunday.
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I’m right with you on raspberries. This local sorbet place offers something called Treeberry as a flavor. I asked what the heck a treeberry is. The proprietor said, “It’s ‘tree’ as in ‘three.'” (pronounced in the local creole dialect). “Oh, what are the three berries?” “Rasp–” “No thank you!”
However, a local gourmet shop I like had raspberry vinegar once, and since I love all things vinegar, I had to try it. Also, they were sold out of the blueberry vinegar I’d actually come for. And it was pretty good. So maybe I’m coming around.
Thanks for playing. Have a safe weekend!
I’ll take your word on the raspberry vinegar. Blueberry vinegar, though, sounds amazing!
LOL at hellberry. I love them.
I had no idea how much normal press conferences meant to me.
They are such a breath of fresh air.
Amen. Raspberries are the worst and I shall henceforth refer to them as ‘hellberries’ as well.
Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t like them.