Lemme tell ya, working 5 days straight after being off for eleven days is for the birds. Even if I don’t have to commute anymore. I closed my laptop as soon as the clock hit 4:30pm. I am still cranked up about the riots on Wednesday and I need to figure out what to do. Sure, an email is just an email but who knows. One candle lights the darkness blah blah blah.
Tonight we had chicken noodle soup and buttermilk biscuits for dinner. The soup recipe is from Delish and the biscuits are from Blue Jean Chef. Both were amazing and I have the warm fuzzies from such a good meal.
And then we trashed up our wholesome meal by serving it in Mickey Mouse bowls on plastic Epcot Food & Wine Festival plates, which is fine.
With that said, let’s cue up the Friday 5. This week’s theme is watching my figure. Which, nope. Not this year.
- What are some figurines you own?
We own a lot of Funko Pop figurines. WM is responsible for most of them coming into the house but the ones in the forground of the picture below are mine. - What are you trying to figure out?
The official Angry Man Farm garden plan for 2021. More crops, fewer squirrels and aphids, hopefully. - Two circles or one continuous motion: how do you write the figure 8?
There are two ways? No. There is one way. One continuous motion. It’s a figure, not two shapes. What is wrong with people? - How do you feel about Fig Newtons?
THEY ARE AWFUL and I can still remember the childhood horror of being offered a cookie and it being a Fig Newton. That crumbly outside surrounding the pungent mealy brownness? No thank you. (Note: I’d probably like them now because I am a crone.) Apple Newtons were fine. - What’s a good metaphor to describe your first week of 2021?
It was a marathon.

Tonight is movie night. This weekend I guess I’ll crumble and put away the Christmas decor. I have seed catalogs to peruse, I started a new book (The Book of Delights by Ross Gay) and I really have to make a few cards to send out this week.
Aand I’m watching Bridgerton, one episode at a time on Sundays. Next up is episode 3. At this rate I’ll be finished on Valentine’s Day, which will take me halfway through February. And March is spring.
Happy Friday, friends!
You are one of the few respondents this week who seems to know what a metaphor is. Sigh. It was a way to refer to figurative language without being obvious.
Looking forward to your garden updates this year!
Thank you! And to be honest, I had to look it up to be sure that I wasn’t confusing a simile and a metaphor. I knew that one instance used “like” and the other did not. It’s been a LONG TIME since English class!
There is a difference between a simile and a metaphor, but “metaphor” is also a catchall term for both these types of figurative language, so the distinction wasn’t necessary (while still appreciated). I was only commenting on several respondents’ giving literal answers, which of course is still okie dokie!