The outside world, that is. States are (foolishly, imo) opening up again. Not NJ because we’re still throbbing with illness and death, with our long term care/nursing homes being hit hardest. For months now I’ve been watching the cases creep further and further south in the state.

With a tentative return-to-office date of June 1, I have no idea how I’m going to switch from “stay in or else you’re going to spread death” mode back to “don’t forget your id badge byyeeee” mode. I don’t think I could wear a mask all day at my cubicle. Will I feel comfortable getting back onto the train? I felt fine commuting on March 13th but now? Eeesh. Yet, spending $17/day to cross the bridge and park at work isn’t very appealing either.

If you’re into webinars and continuing education in your field, this is a fantastic time to build up hours. I’ve been attending webinars weekly and a large meeting that I would loved to attend in DC last month went virtual AND free. I’m considering pursuing a certification in my chosen field. Who knows…I have the time.

My New York Times crossword streak is still going. 84 days and counting. Every day I’m beating my time average too!

I put two bird feeders out this week: one for hummingbirds and one that suctions to the window for the rest of the birds. This will prevent my birdseed eating-and-pooping pup from getting into it.
I’m starting to read again too. I tell myself to muscle through one chapter and then I can stop. I always end up going longer, which is good. Reading is a muscle and I don’t want to let it atrophy like the rest of my muscles have been.
Tomorrow it’s supposed to be 73 degrees and I am HERE for it. April was COLD. I’ll take pictures of the garden. I’m fiercely proud of the new raised beds that WM built.
Welcome May. Please be kind.