Firstly, my all-clear letter arrived. Huzzah! The boobs survive another year!
This summer I tried to be creative with the meals I made for my own lunches. In this last week before WM heads back to school and I start bulk baking chicken for the both of us (his end up in sandwiches, so I can’t really go crazy with veg and sides), I tried a pesto chicken dish. I pinned this one from
I decided to leave my pesto cubes frozen for when I don’t have any more fresh basil available. Since my basil plants are growing like gangbusters (although I should leave them alone for a few weeks) I made a half-batch of pesto for this recipe. It really looked great while cooking it.
And while it’s much oilier than I’d like for lunch, it’s really fragrant and tasty. I have four portions for this workweek. And look! They look almost like the original pin!
UGH that picture is irritating because of that nonmatching container. This is why I could never be a food blogger. (That, and cooking talent.) Let’s try it again.
Last week’s Honey Lemon Chicken Bowls tasted great after cooking, but lost all of its flavor upon reheating. I was disappointed. I’ll try it one more time with more garlic and seasonings.
I swear food with honey has no flavor.
Speaking of food, drinks/apps or dinner soon? I am out of town next week but back after 9/10.
Yes! I’ll email you!