After a series of YouTube video hairstyling mishaps, I finally turned to a professional to get a real, grownup haircut.
Since the bottom half of my hair was very, very dead and very, very layered (thanks, YouTube kiddies) I decided to get it cut short again.
Thanks to the Internet, I had this pictures saved to my phone ..

…and told the stylist that although I know I am not Jennifer Lopez, I liked the hair.
And this is what I got!

I know, right? It requires a bit more styling finesse than I’m used to (my usual styling tools include hairbands, elastics, and curse words) but I’m slowly getting used to it. Especially since if I put a hairband on my hair goes all triangly and my ponytail is very, very small. And if it grows a little bit longer, it SHOULD look like my reference picture.
Anyway, as I said on the hostess page…hair grows back.
Looks great! But you forgot to tag this post as a hipster would. #selfie
(Sad that I know that…)
Remember how hard it used to be to get a photo of yourself? These kids have it so easy now.
I love this cut!!!!!
Looks good, really. Hope you feel better soon