I was fired today.
Ha! I kid.
Nah. Wasn’t that bad. Wasn’t my greatest performance to date, but I muddled through. Gambling-wise, I’m about $80 down…which I’ll either wake at 4am and try to make back, or just call it a trip. I had some fun at the craps table.
Was totally wrong about the MJ verdicts. While I think he’s guilty, I respect the jury’s finding. They had a lot more info (and time to look over that info) than I did. But Michael? Is a total freak. Go away. Move to Europe, where they (unbelivably) still adore you.
As for me, I head home tomorrow and immediately start thinking about Business Trip #3. Some familiar names there…it should be either the most boring 4 days ever or a totally life-altering experience.
To sweet, blessed sleep now. If I get home at a reasonable hour tomorrow…a luxurious nap awaits there, too.
Sincerely appreciate the comment. When attempting to install WordPress I recall it informing me that the database wasn’t ready or something. However minimal, server-side manipulation is required which I’m not willing to take the headache for (not ever, anymore). Also Adnan has a job and some semblance of a life, heh.
What I would like to know however, is what the likelihood is that blogger will also be inundated with spam if I allow anonymous comment posting. Am I correct in assuming that since the name and url fields are universally similar, spambots will have just as much a field day with blogger as with MT? I ask this because it simply seems to me that very few people are complaining of spam with anything other than MT. I presumed this was because of the flexibility that good quality plugins/server-side programming allowed but blogger’s user base is not that tech-savvy nor is there much leeway for custom plug-ins (as far as I know).
Your advice is appreciated.
P.S. Just one more little baby question. What do you use to find out who is linking to you or who recently linked/quoted a post of yours of the blog? I notice that most people seem to know immediately when large amounts of people start visiting their blogs from some other site or when a post of their’s is linked (even without the presence of trackback).
Thank you.