Total surprise. We were getting to leave for our Segway tour of Epcot’s World Showcase when Thor popped this box out of his pocket. Six diamonds plus eight sapphires (my birthstone) make for one puddly Gypsy.
We were the first people to arrive at Epcot today – at 7:40am. The tour started at 8:15 w/the mandatory waiver signing. Then, we spent about an hour learning how the Segways worked. The biggest challenge was trusting that it would keep you upright. Soon, we were so comfortable with it that it was easy to take our hands from the handbars.
Turning is accomplished by operating a switch with your left thumb. It turns around within it’s own ‘footprint’ so it’s easy to slalom through tight places. Or around people.
On the second half of the tour, we got to Segway our way around World Showcase. It was an incredible experience. Pictures forthcoming when I get home.
(thing I discovered that I forgot today: camera battery charger)
Send good thoughts to my Mom please…she’s having to care for Max the thug-dog while we’re gone.
Tonight: anniversary dinner at our favorite WDW restaurant – Le Cellier.
Updated 3/20/17: I still have this ring.
Ring is beautiful!
That is so pretty, I can’t wait to see it in person!
Very nice anniversary gift! Happy Anniversary! Cool that you got to do a segway tour. We saw them when we were there.