Ring a ding ding, babyWhile I was at Target a few nights ago picking up the cat food and other sundries, I came across a Frank Sinatra Christmas CD. I’m a big Frank fan, but as soon as I saw this gem (nods toward the image on the right) Frank went back on the shelf. Christmas with the Rat Pack has a lot of wintry gems, including one of my all-time favorites, “Christmas Waltz.” This also features a rendition of Silent Night by Dean Martin that gives me a lump in the throat.
But my very favorite track is “Marshmallow World,” as sung by Frank and Dean on one of Dean’s Christmas shows in 1967. Hearing these two tipsy buddies laughing and having fun as they sing in front of a live audience makes me wish I was alive to see these guys in their prime. When you strip away the choreography, backing tracks and pyrotechnics from today’s vocalists, you realize that there is nobody today who can take the place of the Rat Pack.
And it makes me think I was born way too late.
Blonde moment: I wondered why there weren’t more songs from Sammy Davis Jr. on the CD.
NaNoWriMo count:10,427 words. I need to crank out about 2200 per day now to make it. I’m still feeling optimistic. I’ll hopefully kick out 3 or 4 thousand tonight.
And what about your mom? She’s up to 23,000. Thanks for asking. Really. Thanks. (puts gun to head)
4:16 pm? Remember my vacation day last Friday? I ended up going in and working until noon, so today I left early. I refuse to forfeit ANY vacation time, even a few hours.