Tonight I went back to yoga for the first time in a looooooooong time. I have dubbed this year…”Year of Vanity”** mainly because I think I really let myself go during year 32. Put on some lbs…wore the hair in a ponytail almost constantly…more comfy clothes than attractive clothes…ignored makeup.
Last week I wore some eyeshadow and mascara to work one day. Coworkers Damon and Shawn both immediately noticed. In a “whoa! you’re wearing makeup!” kind of way. Which isn’t all that great, if you think about it.
But anyway, yoga is one of the steps I need to take to regain my girlish vigor and charms, so off I went. And it was a struggle to hit the poses I used to hit (although my triangle is still ‘beautiful’ according to the instructor) both mentally and physically. My mind wandered the whole class..
I can’t believe I have to do the budget for the entire 2006 fiscal year by tomorrow!
I think for this year’s NaNoWriMo I’ll write a bodice ripper
Ow! Ow! Is that a hamstring??
Wait..I never edited “Tumble Dry” from last year’s NaNaWriMo
Will I get pregnant this year?
Jeez-n-crackers! What muscle was THAT?
Gonna wash that gray right outta my hair…
Did I give out the paycheck stubs today?
At the end of class, we relax. As I lay on my mat, the instructor anointed each of us with lavender oil and finally I felt my achy muscles melt. I fell into that sweet state that occurs right before I fall asleep where it feels like my body and head are floating and spinning in mid-air. But my mind had one more thing to say…
Thank you.
My b-day was wonderful…thanks to a 3-day weekend, great weather, and family. The “33” pic will come in a day or two. But now I need to either do my budget or hop into World of Warcraft.
**Probably not PC or sensitive to talk about something as trivial as a “year of vanity” when so many are suffering…but I’ve done and will continue to do my best to help out.
(and btw, your note to that naughty doctor was TOO MUCH! 🙂
I think your “33” pic should be of YOU thoughtfully chewing on the earpiece of your glassses. 😉
…& dang–I’m looking forward to “35” next year. It even *sounds* weird to me. Thirty-FIVE. ?!?! How did that happen?
I’m planning the Nanowrimo thing too. It should be fun. I have begun to think about some ideas when I was vacationing off the coast of CT at Enders Island. I’m looking forward to the challenge.