Maybe some words: I’ve been in a MOOD since hurting my knee (mostly recovered) and catching a cold shortly thereafter (also mostly recovered), and worrying about Murphy’s dental cleaning (went well, he’s almost fully recovered) so the blog suffered a…
Stupid Beading Tricks: Earrings for Coworkers and Election Day woes.
Happy Election Day! We voted a little after 7am and then got coffee and a donut at Dunkin’ Donuts to celebrate. There was no line and we received no stickers. I have never received a sticker for voting. Eh, no…
It is done.
It is done. I could have walked to the polls, but I had to go to work directly after. So I drove instead. My new polling place is my old elementary school — I hadn’t stepped in the building in…
Two requests
Two requests: 1) Vote. I’m headed to do so before work. Badnarik for President! I kid. Don’t hurt me.2) Hope it’s a big enough margin so that my workplace isn’t on 24 hour alert for days like we were 4…