Friday 5: Know when to fold ’em
Hello neglected blog! It’s been a little busy around here, plus at nights I’ve had a sick Ollie snuggling on my lap leaving me no room for my Surface. I used to feel guilty but hey…my blog, my rules! Ollie…
Wordless Wednesday: Charlie
Progress report
(I’m sitting on the sofa working a crossword puzzle.) Charlie: (softly) Mow. Me: Oh! Hey there, Boo! (scritches his head) Charlie: (softly) Mow. Me: What’s up? Charlie: (softly) Mow? Me: (gets up, walks to kitchen) You have water. Charlie: Mow!…
Not the Biggest Loser
I have no idea how this happened (okay I do) but Charlie’s now 30 lbs. Not too sure how to deal with this, as he, Misty, and Max share the same bowl of food.* He’s not much of an exerciser,…