Wordless Wednesday 2024: Week 7
Good and Meh 2024: Week 6
Good Things: BAYBEEEE. I went back to the gym for the first time in over a year. I went before work, meaning I woke up early and left the house! And I went back two more times! Can you believe…
Friday 5: Insert coin
Happy Friday, which is also National Cut the Cord Day (founded by SlingTV, surprise surprise) and National Pizza Day! I love pizza in any thickness/thinness of crust, meaty or veggie, white or tomato, in-person, delivery, or Digiorno. Pizza cut in…
Morning Yoga
It’s no secret that I slipped way back into a sedentary lifestyle over the last year. Now I’m at an age where I start paying the price for inertia with aches and pains and tightness. In early September I started…
My Apple Watch
I have an Apple Watch and while I used to really, REALLY be into it, I’m not feeling it anymore. First, I’ve become disenchanted with the Apple Fitness app. The app rewards streaks: perfect week, perfect month, etc. I am…
Fit Journal — March 2019
I’m taking an online class to help me be accountable w/r/t fitness: physical and emotional. This is my (tardy) monthly journal entry. What are some of your expectations that do not match up with reality? I expect myself to be…
Fit Journal – February 2019
I’m taking an online class to help me be accountable w/r/t fitness: physical and emotional. This is my monthly journal entry. Pencils down, January is OVAH! I made a lot of mini goals for January. Time to see how it…
Friday 5: Just Wing It
Happy Sunday! To wind up “Operation Use a Bunch of my PTO this Summer” I don’t go back until work until Thursday. I actually went OUT Friday night. Out. Past 11. I went to Atlantic City with Mom and my…
Breathing love in and breathing love out
I’m still trucking along with my TRUE – 30 Days of Yoga program by Yoga With Adriene. As a sedentary human, it’s hard for me to commit to moving every day for a month. But I’m still here. And barring…
Fitness sucks
My journey towards fitness continues. I embarked on this Quixotic quest for two reasons. The first one is obvious. I’m larger and rounder than I’ve ever been. I hit my highest weight ever (my personal best!) and needed to start…
Goodbye, January!
Today is day 15 of our “omg what is WRONG with us we need to turn this around NOW” life plan. I’m so stinking proud of us. The plan is as follows: Eat our own food. No takeout. (Wednesday dinner…