Happy February! It’s going to be a great weekend. Why? Because I am going to move my greenhouse into the craft room and start some seeds inside while it’s still 20F/-6.6C outside. It’s part of my plan to make the…
Working toward financial peace
Do you know what happens when you initially order the Comcast Triple Play? Your 2 years go by, then the price goes up. They’ll offer you some premium channels for free to keep you on at the higher price. Then…
Cellphone: Saved 43%
In January, I took a long hard look at my finances and realized I was spending money in the wrong places. So I made some changes, and today I saw my first positive effect of what I’ve been calling “The…
My relaunch
Yes, I’m up very late. Why? Because I was out of work sick today and managed to snooze away a chunk of my afternoon. Actually, I’ve been sick for about 2 weeks straight – 2 different illnesses but consecutive sentences…
Holy CRAP whadda day! I really don’t want to $ay anything outright, becau$e I know people from work read thi$, and the$e thing$ are $uppo$ed to be per$onal. Let’$ ju$t $ay that with the hou$e thing happening, thi$ occurance (which…
February 5, 2003 – evening 1
The apartment’s quiet and warm. My muscles softly ache from the gym this afternoon. (David came with me!!) David’s a-snooze in the bed, making it look twice as comfy. I’m in my soft and stretchy workout clothing. Laundry and kitchen…