Thursday randomness
For my birthday, the always-lovely Kristen, Nephews A&B, and my brother who doesn’t read my blog and likely had nothing to do with choosing the gift gave me gifts to get me started on latte art, including a milk frother…
A tale of two creamers
A few weekends ago we needed coffee creamer, so we grabbed our usual brand from the usual spot at our usual store. That Monday I poured it into my coffee and took a giant glug before I noticed it was…
Friday 5: Stolen 5
Happy Friday, which is also National Pharmacist Day (hello, BvP!) and National Marzipan Day. It is also the day I received my driver’s license in 1990. And my friend Brian Z’s birthday. I just returned home from giving blood. One…
Friday 5: Gang aft agley
Happy Friday, which is National Coffee Day, National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, and National VFW Day. (A VFW is a great place to get a cheap beer, if you know someone who can get you in.) I don’t make…